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Person 1: If abortion is outlawed, women will die in unsafe, illegal abortions. Person 2 (our hero): I’m concerned about this too. Abortion is worse when the mother dies. But I’d say abortion is never safe, since I value the mother and fetus equally.

Abortion Is Never Safe

It’s extremely important to show compassion when dealing with this sensitive topic. Your top priority should be making it clear that you care about women, not just about fetuses.

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Person 1: If abortion is outlawed, women will die in unsafe illegal abortions. Person 2 (our hero): I’m concerned about this too. I value the mother and fetus equally. I’m working for a future where nobody performs or seeks an abortion, legal or illegal.Person 1: What if a mother’s life is in danger? Person 2 (our hero): The mother and child are equally valuable. In some situations doctors should give the mother life-saving treatment even if it results in the unintended, tragic death of the child. Let’s talk about a specific example.Person 1: I don’t like the idea of the government forcibly preventing the women who want abortions from getting them. Person 2 (our hero): Neither do I. I wish it never came to that. I want everyone to reject abortion out of love and respect for the preborn.Person 1: I’m pro-choice because I care about women’s health. Person 2 (our hero): I want people to get the healthcare they need, too. But I think the mother and fetus are both patients who deserve care.
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