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Person 1: I was raped. I got pregnant and I had an abortion. Person 2 (our hero): I’m so sorry to hear that. Rape is a terrible crime. Thinking about it makes me sick. Nobody should be forced into sex, and nobody should be forced to become pregnant.

I Was Raped

Abortion is wrong regardless of the circumstances of the child’s conception, but it’s not always time to make a pro-life argument. Remember to show compassion and listen to understand. Abortion is a very sensitive topic, and so is rape! Be prepared for any conversation to emotionally affect people, but especially one involving rape. If someone shares to you something as personal and difficult as a past rape or abortion, respond with love and respect.

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Person 1: I don’t regret my abortion. Person 2 (our hero): I’m glad you’re okay. If you’re willing to share, I’d be interested to hear what led you to seek an abortion.Person 1: It’s not the rape victim’s fault she’s pregnant. Person 2 (our hero): I agree. It’s the rapist’s fault, and the victim shouldn’t be blamed. Rape is an awful crime, doubly so when the rapist robs his victim of the choice to not become pregnant.Person 1: Don’t judge me for my abortion. You haven’t lived my life. Person 2 (our hero): You’re right, I’m sure I can’t imagine what you’ve been through. I’m not here to attack you. Would you be willing to share more about your experience?Person 1: A woman shouldn’t be reminded of her rapist every time she sees her child. Person 2 (our hero): I agree. Nobody should have to endure rape or its consequences. I wish nobody were ever raped.
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