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Person 1: Pregnancy can derail a woman’s career. Person 2 (our hero): I’m concerned about this too. I don’t want to hold women back. Let me ask a question; bear with me. If a mom’s career is suffering because of her two-year-old, may she kill her child?


This rhetorical technique is called “trotting out a toddler.” The primary purpose of this technique is not to refute the other person’s argument or score debate points, so don’t pat yourself on the back when the other person agrees that we shouldn’t kill the toddler. Instead, the primary purpose of this technique is to move the conversation to the core area of disagreement, which is generally either the status of the preborn or the ethics of killing.

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Person 1: Yes, of course killing toddlers is wrong. But a fetus is different than a toddler. Person 2 (our hero): I’m glad we agree killing toddlers is wrong. I agree there are a lot of differences. Can we talk through the differences that you think matter?Person 1: Pregnancy leads to worse performance in school. Person 2 (our hero): I’m concerned about this too. Let me ask a question. It might seem irrelevant, but please bear with me. If a teen mom’s grades start to suffer because of her two-year-old, may she kill her child?Person 1: I’m pro-choice because I’m a feminist. Person 2 (our hero): I support the equality of all people, regardless of sex, gender, or anything else. That’s actually why I’m pro-life. What does feminism mean to you?Person 1: Some women can’t afford a child. Person 2 (our hero): I agree. Poverty is a serious, concerning hardship. Let me ask a question; bear with me. If a mom can’t afford to continue raising her two-year-old, may she kill her child?
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