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Person 1: I’m pro-choice because I’m a feminist. Person 2 (our hero): I support the equality of all people, regardless of sex, gender, or anything else. That’s actually why I’m pro-life. What does feminism mean to you?


The idea at the heart of feminism is that all people have equal value regardless of gender. The idea at the heart of the pro-life position is that all people have equal value regardless of age.

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Our hero: Racism, sexism, and homophobia are wrong because they devalue people based on superficial qualities. We’re all members of the human species, so we’re all equally valuable. Fetuses are members of the human species, too.Person 1: You’re a woman! Don’t you understand that you’re betraying your own sex? Person 2 (our hero): I think women and men have equal value, and I think women’s rights are important. My support for equality is actually why I’m pro-life.Person 1: I’m pro-choice because I’m liberal. Person 2 (our hero): Many liberals are pro-life. Social justice requires that we protect vulnerable members of our species, such as the poor, minorities, and the preborn.Person 1: Pregnancy can derail a woman’s career. Person 2 (our hero): I’m concerned about this too. I don’t want to hold women back. Let me ask a question; bear with me. If a mom’s career is suffering because of her two-year-old, may she kill her child?
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