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Person 1: Did you see that ______ is pregnant? What a slut! Person 2 (our hero): Women get pregnant all the time, but you don’t see it because they get abortions. I’m proud of ______ for choosing to keep her child.

Celebrate Choosing Life

Support pregnant women. They face serious challenges.

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Person 1: She had sex. She deserves to deal with pregnancy. Person 2 (our hero): Let’s not attack women. The best way to end abortion is to focus on the humanity of the preborn, and anyway women in crisis pregnancies aren’t our enemies.Person 1: 1 in 3 women gets an abortion. Person 2 (our hero): I agree that abortion is common. I think women getting abortions often have good intentions. But sometimes a lot of well-meaning people choose to do something wrong.Person 1: I’m pregnant and I’m scared. Person 2 (our hero): It’s okay to feel scared, but everything will be okay. We’ll figure this out together. I’ll be here for you through everything. There’s no hurry, so let’s take this one step at a time.Person 1: It’s not the rape victim’s fault she’s pregnant. Person 2 (our hero): I agree. It’s the rapist’s fault, and the victim shouldn’t be blamed. Rape is an awful crime, doubly so when the rapist robs his victim of the choice to not become pregnant.
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