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Person 1: The fetus is a trespasser. Person 2 (our hero): I think I see what you mean. I wish nobody were ever pregnant without wanting to be. Let me ask a question; bear with me. If I find a stowaway toddler on my boat, may I throw her overboard?

Is a Fetus a Trespasser?

Some well-meaning pro-life advocates only focus on the nature of the preborn, but that’s not always helpful. Some pro-choice arguments, like the one in this example, attempt to show that abortion is justified even if a fetus is a living human person. We need to be prepared to argue that it’s not okay to kill a person simply because someone is pregnant with him or her.

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Person 1: Yes, of course killing toddlers is wrong. But a fetus is different than a toddler. Person 2 (our hero): I’m glad we agree killing toddlers is wrong. I agree there are a lot of differences. Can we talk through the differences that you think matter?Person 1: You seriously think a fetus deserves the same rights as a toddler? Person 2 (our hero): That’s right! I know that might sound crazy, since a fetus is so different from a toddler, but I think I have good reasons. Let’s talk about them.Person 1: Sure, a fetus is a person. But a woman may do anything to anyone in her body. Person 2 (our hero): I agree that we deserve special rights regarding our own bodies. But may a pregnant woman take thalidomide? It causes serious birth defects.Person 1: Fine, a fetus is a human person. But a woman may do anything to anyone in her body. Person 2 (our hero): I agree we deserve special rights regarding our own bodies. To be clear, do you think abortion is always okay, at any time, even for no reason?
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