Killing Toddlers Is Wrong Too
To persuade people that abortion is wrong, sometimes we pro-lifers compare abortion to killing a toddler. Toddlers and fetuses are different in a lot of ways, but fundamentally they are equals and they equally deserve basic human rights. Just like it’s wrong to kill a toddler, it’s also wrong to kill a fetus through abortion. Making a comparison like that is called “trotting out a toddler.” Check out our examples to see how it works.
Trotting out a toddler can be persuasive, but we need to be careful when we make this comparison. Unfortunately, sometimes our pro-choice peers misunderstand. For example, they might think we’re saying people should kill toddlers instead of fetuses.
Don’t use sarcasm when you’re trotting out a toddler. Make it totally clear that you’re against killing kids both before and after birth. We must show the world that we stand for nonviolence.
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