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Person 1: Rape victims shouldn’t be punished with pregnancy. Person 2 (our hero): I don’t want anyone to be pregnant who doesn’t want to be. Rape is always a terrible crime. I hate that rapists sometimes make people pregnant against their will. I wish nobody were ever raped.

Rape Victims Shouldn’t Be Punished

Abortion is wrong even in this case, but it’s not always time to make a pro-life argument. Rape is an awful crime and an extremely sensitive topic. Your top priorities should be showing compassion, making it clear that you’re on the rape victim’s side, and condemning rape. You must make it obvious that you understand that rape is gravely evil. Otherwise, the person you’re talking to might think you have a “broken moral compass” and might not bother thinking seriously about any points you make about abortion.

Someone who brings up punishment might have the impression that pro-lifers all want to punish women who have immoral sex with pregnancy. It’s important to make it clear that we want to help and support all pregnant women through nonviolent means, especially when they’ve been through something as traumatic as rape.

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Person 1: It’s not the rape victim’s fault she’s pregnant. Person 2 (our hero): I agree. It’s the rapist’s fault, and the victim shouldn’t be blamed. Rape is an awful crime, doubly so when the rapist robs his victim of the choice to not become pregnant.Person 1: She had sex. She deserves to deal with pregnancy. Person 2 (our hero): Let’s not attack women. The best way to end abortion is to focus on the humanity of the preborn, and anyway women in crisis pregnancies aren’t our enemies.Person 1: Pro-lifers’ real goal is to control women’s sex lives. Person 2 (our hero): I’m sorry you’ve had bad experiences with pro-lifers. I want to help pregnant moms and their kids no matter how the pregnancies started.Person 1: A woman shouldn’t be reminded of her rapist every time she sees her child. Person 2 (our hero): I agree. Nobody should have to endure rape or its consequences. I wish nobody were ever raped.
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